Ohio Council Boy Scouts of America Cica 1998 - 2007
This was the official website for the Ohio Council Boy Scouts of America. Content is from the site's 1998- 2007 archived pages.
As of January 1, 2017 the Heart of Ohio Council has been consolidated with the Buckeye Council and the Greater Cleveland Council.
If you reside in the Harding Area District (Crawford, Marion, Morrow, or Wyandot Counties) or the Johnny Appleseed Trail District (Ashland or Richland Counties) please go to the Buckeye Council webpage at http://www.buckeyecouncil.org/ or call 330.580.4272 for more information.
If you reside in the Firelands District (Erie or Huron Counties) or the Great Frontier District (Lorain County) please go to the Greater Cleveland Council webpage at councils.scouting.org/Council440, or call 216.861.6060.
CIRCA 1999
Welcome to the Heart of Ohio Council Web Site. It is our goal that this web site will be your place for the most up-to-date information on whats going on in the council. While that is a lofty goal, please remember that this will be most successful when information is provided by you. If you have something you would like for us to include on this website, please forward it to us.
Thank You!
Council Web Committee
Welcome to the Heart of Ohio Council Boy Scouts of America
Serving Ashland, Crawford, Erie, Huron, Lorain, Marion, Morrow, Richland, and Wyandot Counties
The District
Serving Erie and Huron Counties
Home of Cedar Point!
Hi! I’m John Schraft, your new District Executive. I am very honored and pleased to be the newest member of the Firelands District team.
I am married to the former Miss Suzanne Burden, who hails from Lafayette, Ohio. We have been married for eleven years. We have four children; Jesse, age 9; Jennifer, age 7; Jacqueline, age 4; and Jeffrey, age 1.
For me, Scouting is a way of life. My parents were involved in Scouting. My mother served as a den leader and my father as a Scoutmaster. As a youth, I was active in Cub Scouts, Webelos, and Boy Scouts. In 1976, I earned the Eagle Scout Award.
I came into the Scouting profession after ten years of service on active duty with the United States Air Force. Most recently, I was the District Executive in the Old Trail District in Ashland County. In eight months, we accomplished a number of successes. We added 150 boys to the BSA membership, reorganized 4 units, and started 1 new unit. Sixty percent of our units achieved quality unit status. For the first time, in the 4-year history of this Council, we raised 100% of our Friends of Scouting goal.
Suzanne and I are excited about the opportunity to work with and serve you as we continue to build upon the outstanding reputation and tradition of the Firelands District.
It is time to start thinking about the Firelands District popcorn drive. This year’s chairman is Maynard Nielsen. If you have not already signed up to sell popcorn, then please call him at 419-626-3499. You will also need to select a popcorn kernel for your unit so we may begin planning for the upcoming popcorn drive. More details will be mailed to you or your popcorn kernel. Some important dates for this year's sale:
1 Oct. Popcorn kickoff
15 Oct. Sale Begins
16 Nov. Orders Due
5 Dec. Pick up
18 Dec. Money Due
Fall Roundup
It is also time to start thinking about recruiting new members into your packs and troops. Kathy Schultz is our membership chairman. Please call her at 419-625-0199 with any information and questions regarding your school night. John would also appreciate your calling him so he may make arrangements to distribute flyers and conduct boy talks at your school prior to your school night. You can reach him at 1-800-334-9381 or 419-281-7585. Please remember that before we can put the values of Scouting into boys...we must first put boys into Scouting. More information will follow about school night training.
Malabar Magic
Over the years our Scouters have enjoyed some fine programs and camporees. This year will be no exception! Malabar Magic is set to take center stage this fall at Malabar Farm State Park on October 16-18. Here is a sample of some of the things you will experience when you attend this year’s Heart of Ohio Council Encampment. Royal Scotts Highlanders, Civil War Encampment, Ham Radio Station, 2 Movie Theaters, Air National Guard and U.S. Army Displays, Family Camping, Patrol Games, Radio Controlled Airplanes, Pumpkin Carving Contest, Photo Contest, Marshmallow Sky Drop, Model Rockets, Cub Scout and Boy Scout Activities, and an Arena Show-Featuring the USAF Band of Flight -- SYSTEM GO!! You will also see a giant Fireworks show, the likes you have never seen before. If you would like some more information on this once in a life time "magical event", please call John.
Malabar Magic
Looking for hidden talents
The 1998 Council Encampment is beginning to take shape. The event will be help at Malabar Farm State park on the weekend of October 16 - 18th. Several committees have been meeting for the last year and a half, and during these meetings some initial needs have been determined. If you or someone you know might be able to meet one of the needs below please contact Dave Olmstead at the Mansfield Service Center.
Royal Scots Highlanders
Civil War camp
Gilwell (Wood Badge) Campsite
Ham Radio Station
Jamboree on the Air
A midway full of exciting displays
Pumpkin carving contest
National Guard display
U.S. Army display
Patrol games
O.D.N.R. display
Family camping
two movie theaters (friday night)
Marshmallow sky drop
Radio Control Aircraft display
Order of the Arrow Tomahawk throw
Funnelator range
Photo contest
New Council shoulder patch vote
1999 Cub Scout summer camp program promotion
Arena show featuring:
United States Air Force Band of Flight - System's Go
Why attend training?
The best answer to that question is found in the new "Cub Scout Leader Book."
The first questions that new leaders ask are: " What am I supposed to do? What is expected of me?" This book (the Cub Scout Leader Book) answers those questions. But, an equally important question new leaders ask is "How do I do it?" That’s where TRAINING comes in. Training shows new leaders how to do their jobs and allows for an interchange of ideas with more experienced leaders.
Every Cub Scout deserves qualified, trained leaders who will provide the best program possible, the way it is intended. Trained leaders ensure that the goals of Scouting are met.
All Cub Scout leaders need training to help them understand the aims and purposes of the Scouting program, to improve their ability to work with boys and other leaders, to learn Cub Scout skills, and to learn how to plan an effective Cub Scout program. The leadership training program of the Boy Scouts of America provides this information and helps leaders become confident in carrying out their responsibilities.
Each Cub Scout leader’s job is different. This is the main reason why training leaders is so vital to the success of the program. Not only must they know how important their jobs are, but they must be acquainted with the methods used to attract and hold boys in Cub Scouting.
Even though the above quoted paragraphs refer to Cub Scout leaders, the same thoughts hold true for the Boy Scout leaders. Every boy needs and deserves a trained leader. If you have any questions on training, please contact Chuck Gundlach (Boy Scout Training Chair) at 419 625-7209 or Lynn Faggionato (Cub Scout Training Chair) at 419 627-2531.
Boy Scout Leader Fundamentals: (Joint sessions with Great Frontier District)
1998 - October 31, November 4, November 7
1999 - March 20, March 24, March 26 & 27
1999 - October 23, October 27, October 30 & 31
Junior Leader Training:
1999 -February 26, 27 & 28
Cub Scout Leader Basic Training - October 24
Webelos Leader Outdoor Training - tentatively set for September 19
Den Leader Coach Training - tentatively set for December 12
Den Chief Training - November 21
Youth Protection Training - October 24th and November 19
PowWow - November 14
Roundtable - every month (Sept. through May) on the 2nd Thursday of the month
I attended the training program in 1998 along with my older brother, and we had a blast. We especially enjoyed the outdoor training since we are avid campers. We taught the younger boys how to create a fire using flint and steel - it was a huge hit! One thing I remember clearly was the very cool prizes that our troop's leadership team gave us just for attending - super cool Batman shirts! I still have the Batman Begins T shirt I received, which I only wear on very special occasions (didn't want to wear it out for no good reason). Most of the boys in my troop were really into the Dark Knight and were super psyched to receive these prized T shirts for Batman fans. Since most of us were already wearing our Boy Scout uniforms, we were discouraged from wearing the Batman shirts at the training sessions, but I remember clearly seeing many of them on the boys right after the closing ceremonies. These events were truly valuable, both as a training and bonding experience, but also as a way to pass on knowledge to the new scounts. I recommend that everyone make an effort to attend the next session - you will not regret it.
The Premiere District in the Heart of Ohio Council serving the Greater Lorain County area.
Stop here first for the latest Great Frontier news as soon as it is available.
1 Management Team Meeting 7:30pm
Lake Ave. Church of Christ
3 Council Coordinated Meeting NCTC (Mansfield)
6 Unit Commissioner Meeting 7:30pm Regent Academy
14 Charter Renewal Meeting 7:00pm Regent Academy
14 Roundtable 7:30pm Regent Academy
14 Fast Start Training 7:30pm Regent Academy
15 Popcorn Sale Begins
16-18 Council Encampment Malabar Farm State Park
20 Part I Cub Scout Leader Basic Training Regent Academy
28 Part II Cub Scout Leader Basic Regent Academy
31 Part I Boy Scout Leader Training Camp Firelands
3 Unit Commissioner Meeting 7:30pm Regent Academy
4 Part II Boy Scout Leader Training Camp Firelands
5 Management Team Meeting 7:30pm
Lake Ave Church of Christ
7-8 Part III Boy Scout Leader Training Camp Firelands
11 Roundtable 7:30 pm Regent Academy
14 Super Training Saturday (POW-WOW)
Lexington High School
14 Popcorn Sale Ends
14-15 Den Chief Training Camp Firelands
16 Popcorn Orders due to Scout Office
21 Portage Lodge Banquet
1- Unit Commissioner Meeting 7:30pm Regent Academy
3 District Committee Meeting 7:30pm
Lake Ave, Church of Christ
5 Popcorn Pick-up Site to be announced
Commissioner news
The Great Frontier District is pleased to announce that Larry Luther has agreed to become the new District Commissioner for the district. Larry has served as a Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, unit commissioner, training staff member and currently serves as Sub Camp Chairman for this year's encampment. One of Larry's primary objectives is to seek and find more commissioners to serve in units in their neighborhoods. If Larry calls on you, please be receptive and give him a chance to talk about this rewarding position. Special thanks to Gil Sanow and Tom Myers for there continued help in this endeavor.
Youth Protection Training
In an on-going effort to see that every leader in the district has received Youth Protection Training, we are once again providing it to you free of charge. The training will be held at the Vermilion Scout Office on September 22. I t will begin at 7:00pm and last until 8:30pm. Walter Metter, a retired Sheriffs Deputy, will walk you through and certify you for two years in this important subject. Please RSVP to Ted (967-0106) by September 18.
Cub Leader Training fun that lasts forever
Are you doing a job in the pack that you are not trained for? Are you tired and need new ideas? Do you want to have Cub Scout fun with people your own age? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to write down the important dates of September 26, 1998 and October 20,28, 1998 at Regent Academy. These are the first two opportunities for you and other leaders to receive Cub Scout Leader Basic Training. Please note that the October training will be offered on two week nights instead of a Saturday. This has been requested by many leaders, and we are hoping for a great turn-out. Cost for training is $5.00, which includes lunch and materials. Please call Linda at 967-0106 to reserve a spot for you.
Corn Roast 98 a success for the district
Thank you to all leaders that came out to camp and helped to make the Program Kick-off a great success. There were over 110 people in attendance for this great event. Thanks also go out to Bill Thomasson and his staff for a wonderful job with the food and preparation and also to all presenters. A special thank you to Evelyn and Horst Kuehne.
Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn
It is not too late to sign up for this years popcorn sale. If your unit wants to make money and earn prizes, then call Ted or Jim at 967-0106 and sign your unit up for this year's sale. The kick-off meeting will be held on September 29, 1998 at Regent Academy. Dinner will begin promptly at 6:00pm.
Back to school time again
If you are a Scouting volunteer, you know that fall is the time of year when we recruit new boys into scouting. We hope that you already have called your school and scheduled your school night for this year. If you have not, please give us a call and we will help you make Scouting a reality for more young men this year.
A magic time at Malabar!
Have you heard? Are you coming? October 16-18 at Malabar Farm State Park will be the biggest and best Council Encampment in the history of the Heart of Ohio Council. In this issue of the Lifeline you can find all of the programs being offered for your Scouts. If you have not registered yet then call the Scout Office and do so today.
Great Frontier District Day Camp report
High Meadows Metro Park was the site of the first ever Day Camp for Lorain County Cub Scouts. A total of 140 Cubs enjoyed 1-5 day(s) of camp in this unique setting. Dallas Bryan and his staff deserve a great big thank you for their great efforts in making this event a success for everyone involved.
High Adventure Committee a new idea
It is the mission of the Great Frontier High Adventure Committee to provide a High Adventure Program for those Scouts who meet the necessary prerequisites through:
a. district aided trips
b. hub for sharing trip information
We will accomplish this by gathering information on locations and types of trips, provide training for leaders and share methods of financing and resources.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this new team of dedicated volunteers please call Paul Rothacker (926-2421) or Dave Mamere (748-2224).
Ted's Thoughts
Wow, what a summer. After visiting Boy Scout Camp, Mom and Me, Dad and Lad, Day Camp, Cub Resident Camp and spending a week at Cub Scout Day Camp, I am reminded why I chose this as my career. I think that parents and leaders do a wonderful job for these great young men during the summer and year round. As summer draws to an end and we barely have time to stop and catch our breath before recruiting, popcorn sales, Roundtable, charter renewal, council encampment and a hundred other things kick into gear, please remember to plan ahead. While juggling all of these activities remember the 7 Ps to help make you and your Scouts life a little easier. They are Proper Prior Planning Prevents Pitifully Poor Performance. Plan ahead and things will be much more manageable. Thanks for all that you do for Scouts.
The Heart of Ohio Council, Boy Scouts of America is a proud member agency of the following funding organizations:
- United Way of Ashland County
- Bellevue United Selective Fund
- Bucyrus Area United Way
- Cary Area United Way
- United Way of Crestline
- United Way of Erie County
- United Way of Galion & Polk Township
- United Way of Greater Lorain County
- United Way of Marion County
- Mohican Area Community Fund
- United Way of Morrow County
- New London United Fund
- Norwalk Area United Fund
- United Way of Richland County
- United Fund of Shelby
- United Way of Upper Sandusky
- Willard United Fund
CIRCA 2007
Heart of Ohio Council Boy Scouts of America
Welcome to the Heart of Ohio Council
Boy Scouts of America
The Heart of Ohio Council is located in Ashland, Ohio, an easy stop between Cleveland and Columbus. Our council covers the following 9 counties: Erie, Lorain, Huron, Wyandot, Crawford, Richland, Ashland, Marion and Morrow. The council has two camps; Camp Avery Hand located in Mansfield, Ohio and Firelands Scout Reservation, located in Wakeman, Ohio. Our goal for this website is to bring you the most up-to-date information on events and news concerning your district and the council.

It's time for the Heart of Ohio Council Recognition Dinner. This year's dinner will be held on April 22 at the German's Villa.
"Encampment 2006" is headed your way! September 29, 30 and October 1, 2006. |
Annual Lodge Fellowship/Training: Camp Avery Hand March 17-19, 2006. Fee is $12 and due by March 10, 2006. This year's theme is: National Treasure. |
Located in Wakeman, Ohio on Gore-Orphange Rd. |
Camp Avery Hand
Located just outside of Mansfield, Ohio on Orweiler Rd. Come and camp at one of Ohio’s finest Scout Camps. For more information on Camp Avery Hand |
UPCOMING TRAININGS! Scoutmaster Specific Parts 1,2,3 on March 18, 2006. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills being held April 7-8, 2006. Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders being held April 7-8, 2006. |
BE PREPARED! It's more than a motto....it means having the ability to deal with the many tough challenges life presents-that's what Scouting is all about. Through its time tested program, Scouting provides young people with opportunities to mentor to their peers, build character and enrich their faith. These activites build stronger family bonds and help youth reach their full potential by instilling values that last a lifetime. |
Good Turn for America We know that Scouts across the nation are answering the call to service. To tell the story of how your den, pack, patrol, troop, team, crew, or ship is contributing to this effort log onto goodturnforamerica.org and select the data collection button on the left of the screen. |
Support your local United Way!!
FOS AND POPCORN DOLLARS AT WORK! This website is one of the many ways The Heart of Ohio Council supports units, Scouts, and families. Thank you to all those generous people who give to Friends of Scouting, or support the annual Popcorn Sale. |
2007 World Jamboree! The 100th Anniversary of Worldwide Scouting! The 21st World Scout Jamboree will be hosted in the United Kingdom from July 27 until August 8, 2007. The Jamboree will bring together 40,000 Scouts, leaders and staff for 12 days. The Jamboree will celebrate the 100thanniversary of the founding of the Scout movement by Lord Baden-Powell in England. The Jamboree theme will be “One World, One Promise”. For more information, please visit >www.scouting.org/jamboree/world. |
Ready and Prepared! The BSA Ready & Prepared Award was developed to encourage and reward Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Venturing crews that incorporate safe practices while enjoying challenging activities. The award acknowledges the common sense and judgment, founded on knowledge and training, used to incorporate risk management into a unit’s decision making process. It recognizes that the more responsibility individual members take for their personal health and safety, the more everyone contributes to a successful activity. Earning the award helps units focus on areas in which emphasizing risk management can help reduce fatalities and serious injury. For more information click on the award. |